Termine für Schminkkurse, Beratungen, Microblading & more

Laserfree Permanent Hairremoval

we can, what Lasers can't!

Laser-free permanent hair removal – in a gentle way and at any time of the year thanks to the new innovative method from EPILFREE. Over a decade of research and development has been invested to create a natural product for permanent hair removal. It has no restrictions regarding tattoos, skin color or hair type. It is used after epilation (waxing/sugaring) and is painless and effective.

High Quality

100% Natural ingredients, FDA Approved


painless, no limitations like lasers about Skintypes

for all genders

for all genders and ages

all year around

no summerbreak needed

About Epilfree

How does Epilfree work?

First all Hairroots seeds must be completely removed through the epilation process (waxing/sugaring).

Then we apply the Activator, that was developed to enlarge the follicles size by 4 times. There are also ingredients inside that maintain the hygiene of the hair. After 5 minutes we apply the Inhibitor, it acts inside the follicle, in the germinative papilla, blocking cell duplication and preventing new hair growth.

How Many Treatments Do You Need?

Typically, a series of 8-15 treatments is needed to effectively reduce hair in most areas.

Usually 10-20% of the hair on the body is in the growth phase (Anagen) in which Epilfree is effective. The exact number of treatments required varies between individuals and different areas of the body (on average 10 treatments).

What Are The Advantages Over Laser?

The Epilfree system is suitable for all types and colours of hair. There is no risk of skin damage, to which some people are prone following laser hair removal procedures, and there is no restriction on sun exposure after treatment. . It works all the time but especially where and when the laser does not work – also on tattooed skin and therefore has no competitors.

Important prior and aftercare

The area to be treated should be cleaned at least one hour before the start of treatment and should be free of cosmetics, makeup, perfume, deodorant or lotion. It is best to arrive at your appointment with freshly cleansed skin.

Avoid the following for 6 hours after the appointment:

  • heavy sweating (exercise)
  • Sauna, steam bath
  • Showering, swimming

Epilfree impressions


Introductory price

Upper lip / chin CHF 39.-

Upper lip & chin CHF 59.-

Ears & nose CHF 39.-

Eyebrows CHF 49.-

Cheeks CHF 69.-

whole Face CHF 129.-


Armpits CHF 49.-

Forearms CHF 59.-

whole arms CHF 89.-

upper Body

Belly CHF 89.-

Chest & shoulders CHF 119.-

Back inc. shoulders from CHF 129.-

Intimate Slip edge CHF 79.-

Brazilian CHF 99.-

Hollywood CHF 109.-

Legs half legs CHF 89.-

Legs 3/4 CHF 99.-

whole legs inc. feet CHF 159.-

Price list subscriptions

With a 10-session subscription, the eleventh treatment is free!

*Payment in installments is possible **these are introductory prices


Epilfree FAQ's

for more Questions visit our FAQ’s or contact us for a consultation.

Perfect for Epilfree