Termine für Schminkkurse, Beratungen, Microblading & more



Which cosmetic products are used and how is the compatibility?


For our facials we use the products of our german leading brands Babor and MSB and the french brand Ericson Laboratoire. Our medical and active ingredient cosmetics are system cares that rely on skin compatibility and bring immediately results.We love to treat your skin effectively with tailored and personalised solutions.

In addition to that we use latest skin analysis technology to analyize the conditions of your skin so that we can respond with effective treatments. To intensify the results of our treatments we recommend you the proper skin care at home to maintain the vitality and glow of your healthy, youthful skin. We will gladly advise you.



For our device-based treatments we use modern technology from the house Lumenis/Pollogen. Lumenis/Pollogen Lumenis is a pioneer in aesthetic medicine and enjoys the trust of well-known experts around the globe.

Our treatments are an effective, modern and non-invasive method of aesthetic medicine. The uniqueness of our device based treatments is the stimulation of the natural mechanisms of the human body. For a youthful glow and radiant skin.




Which treatment is right for me?

It depends on the needs of your skin. Is there a special skin problem such as acne, hypergigmentation or dry and irritated skin?We happily advise you to find your individually adapted treatment and specific skincare.


What is the different between Oxygeneo, Hydraglow and the Skinfusor Treatment?

We recommend Hydraglow especially for young and oily skin focussing on deep cleansing and pore refinement. Because of the vacuum technology impurities are carefully removed by vacuuming and leaves the skin fresh and clean.

Our Oxygeneo combines fruit acid and microdermabrasion to refine the skin.Oxygen production of the cells is stimulated and enhances the skin’s cellular renewal process and ensures a smooth, radiant complexion.

The Skinfusor facial combines four different technologies to smooth and hydrate the skin.Thanks to the immediate effect, you’ll get a  radiant look right away and the skin is completely de-wrinkled, delicate and beautiful. Low frequency ultrasound helps to infiltrate hyaluronic acid deep in your skin. Massaging the tissue stimulates micro-circulation and lymph flow and tightens the skin.

What should I consider after the treatment?

We recommend to avoid make-up for 24 hours after the facial and avoid sunlight for the next 1-2 weeks. We highly recommend sun block to protect your skin from sun damage.

In addition to that you should refrain 24 hours from sauna and swimming pool visits and extreme sport.

Medical & Antiaging

Microneedling Divine Pro

How does radiofrequency-needling work?

Radiofrequency microneedling uses tiny needles and radiofrequency waves to rejuvenate facial skin.

The treatment is a form of controlled skin injury. The damage stimulates the growth of healthy new skin, elastin, collagen which can benefit common skin issues like acne scars and wrinkles.


We differ between TriFractional Needling and VoluDerm Needling:


TriFractional :

Resurfacing is an advanced, safe ablative technology that rejuvenates the face and neck, and provides a youthful look with minimal discomfort and downtime. The treatments are targeted towards wrinkles, fine lines, skin tightening, and skin resurfacing, including the improved appearance of scars.

During treatment the RFF Resurfacing technology emits brief pulses of electrical currents through cone-shaped electrodes that slide into the epidermis to form pinhead-sized spots. This creates micro-wounds which trigger the body’s natural wound-healing mechanism, and prompts the production of new, healthy and younger-looking skin, by stimulating collagen and elastin production.
Other systems are painful due to the mechanical insertion of electrodes. By contrast, our technology utilizes RF energy together with the penetration of the electrodes, resulting in almost painless skin resurfacing procedure.



Our Microneedling utilizes an innovative RF-First technology to enables effective skin rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, and skin volumizing with minimal pain and downtime.

Powered by RF energy, the Microneedling technology creates channels in the skin which enable the ultra-thin needles to penetrate the deep dermal layer smoothly. The combined effect of the thermal energy, and the simultaneous micro-wounds caused in the skin, stimulates the fibroblasts to increase production of ECM (extracellular matrix) components like hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. This unique technology, featuring ultra-thin needles, requires lower energy levels, increases treatment efficacy, and results in a visible, almost painless effect.



Babor Tech Microneedling


How does Babor Microneedling work ?

BABOR Micro-Needling Treatment is an effective skin rejuvenating treatment with small, sterile disposable needles of surgical steel, stimulates the skin regeneration. The skin is perforated on the surface and thus makes it easier for active ingredients to go down exactly where they have the greatest benefit. Perfect for acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, other types of scars, loss of firmness and uneven skin tone.



Which active substances are to be used?

The highly effective serums are based on active ingredients. A Plant Stem Cell Complex forms the signature active in all the products.
At the heart of all our products lies a unique Plant Stem Cell Complex, which is based on apple stem cells from the very rare and unique “Uttwiler Spätlauber” apple variety as well as stem cells from the goji plant. The complex protects the longevity and vitality of skin stem cells and stimulates the dermal cell-to-cell communication through exosome activation. This delivers a revolutionary anti-aging performance for an in-depth rejuvenation.


Difference between Divine RF Microneedling to Babor Tech Microneedling?

Traditional microneedling is an effective treatment and a great option to boost collagen in the skin, and is overall a milder treatment. Alternatively, RF microneedling uses two types of microdamage: the stamping penetration of the needles and then the heat emitted from the tips once in the skin. This combination allows the exact temperature and depth of the treatment to be customised, making it the best option to address scarring and tightening the skin, for all skin tones and types.

Ultimately RF microneedling is a more superior treatment compared to traditional microneedling. Although both have their respective benefits, RF needling produces much more effective results.

Both options utilise the same technique, causing micro damage to the skin to kick start the skin’s collagen production, although traditional microneedling stops there, and Microneedling combined with RF will help treat the skin more effectively and efficiently.



How many sessions are necessary?

Optimal results with BABOR Microneedling treatments are achieved by following a treatment course of 6 treatments at 2-4 weeks intervals.


Is the treatment painful?

No, the Microneedling Treatment is not painful and does not need to be performed under anesthesia.


How does the skin react to the Microneedling?

The skin reacts during and after a Microneedling treatment with moderate to intense skin redness. An intense skin sensation, such as a slight burning sensation, and slight swelling are desired skin reactions in the first hours after treatment, because regeneration is most active in the first 1 – 2 days.


Who should avoid Microneedling?

Microneedling is not recommended for people with chronic skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It is also not advisable for people with active acne, lip herpes, or other forms of skin infections.

People with moderate to severe chronic diseases like blood clotting and bleeding disorders, ongoing cancer therapy, and a predisposition to keloid scarring should avoid doing this treatment. You should avoid Microneedling during pregnancy.


Lashes & Brow Styling

Procedure Yumi Keratin Lashlift:

We will cleanse the eye area and place a silicone rod onto the eyelids. The natural lashes are then curled over and attached to the rod with an adhesive to set the lashes. When everything is positioned correctly, a lifting lotion is applied to allow the lashes to mold around the curling rod, followed by a setting lotion that sets the lash shape.


How long do Yumi Lashes last?

The boosting and lifting effect lasts for 4-6weeks. The result depends on your natural eyelash growth cycle. It can also be affected by stress, hormonal changes, lifestyle and more.

For best result and effect it’s recommended to use YUMILashes keratin lash lift mascara each morning and evening after the treatment. The mascara is transparent and can be used on eyebrows too.


What’s the difference between Yumi Lashes and other lash techniques?

Yumi Lashes is not like any previously known procedures for the eyelashes. This is no lash curling perm or lash extension; this is a keratin lash treatment.

After only one treatment your natural lashes will improve. After 2-3 treatments (4-6) months your own will strengthen and grow to thanks to the keratin and vitamins that nourish your lashes.


Post-treatment procedures:

No water, mascara, oil, cream, sauna or steam, heavy exercising or hair washing for 24 hours after the treatment. We recommend to apply the nourishing Yumi Aftercare Mascara every day after the treatment.


Does Yumi Lashlift work the same for everyone?

Everyone’s lashes are different, meaning that the lash lift process that worked for your friend, your neighbor isn’t necessarily what’s going to work for you.

It’s difficult to know how long the effect will last for you. Hormonal imbalance (like the first days of your period, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, stress and birth control pills) can affect the result.




Wird auch mit ärztlicher Verordnung (Rezept) massiert?

Nein. Wir bieten ausschließlich Massagen zur Entspannung und Gesunderhaltung an. Bei ärztl. Verordnungen wenden Sie sich bitte an einen Physiotherapeuten.

Wie viel muss ich bei der Massage ausziehen?

Bei unseren Massagen müssen Sie nur die Partien entkleiden, die die Massage beinhaltet. Um Ihre Intimsphäre zu schützen, bleiben sämtliche Körperpartien selbstverständlich bekleidet oder werden während der Massage mit Handtüchern abgedeckt.

Dürfen Schwangere massiert werden?

In dieser Phase wird eine Massage meistens als sehr wohltuend und entlastend empfunden. Hier werden die Massagen in aufrechter Position auf der Massageliege oder in Rücken- und Seitenlage in sanfter Form durchgeführt. Auf dem Rücken liegend können die Füße, Beine, die Hände und Arme massiert werden. Sehr wohltuend und entspannend ist auch eine Massage des Kopfes und Gesichtes. Bitte sprechen Sie dies aber vorher mit uns ab, da für Schwangere noch ein paar Besonderheiten gelten.


Who performs Microblading at Miracle Beauty?

Mihaela Rankova is a highly experienced certified PHI Brow Royal Artist and has helped thousands of clients achieve their desired results. She is extremely passionate about providing the absolute best service for her clients. Microblading and PMU is her sole focus, day-in and day-out.


Do I need a personal consultation appointment before the Microblading?

The consultation appointment is not absolutely necessary but can help you remove any doubts and clarify questions.


What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing. But unlike traditional tattoos, which use a tattoo gun, microblading uses a blade-shaped tool with a row of tiny, barely visible needles to create hair-like strokes along your brows while depositing pigment into your skin. The result? Realistic-looking brow hairs that don’t wash off foryears.



What is the difference between Microblading and “classic” Permanent Make up?

The first major difference between microblading and permanent makeup is the method of application. With the permanent method, a series of needles are either stacked or formed in a circle and a tattoo machine is used, vibrating to put the pigment into the skin. With this technique, the eyebrow area is filled in completely, where as with microblading, the manual blade consisting of multiple micro needles creates fine hair-like strokes to create the look of full, more natural brows.

Where microblading is strictly for your eyebrows, permanent makeup can also be used for other areas such as eyeliner or lips.


Do I look unnatural with Microblading?

Microblading does give a natural look. This method is excellent for those looking for a very natural look. Having good eyebrows can really help to boost the self-esteem and body image of people who feel self-conscious about thin or bare eyebrows.


How long does Microblading last?

The average longevity of the results of microblading is 12 to 18 months without additional touch ups.

There are many factors that can make your microblading fade quicker, just like there are cases where microblading can last up to 3 years. The longevity depends on age, skin type and sun exposure.


Is the procedure painful?

Most people report only feeling minimal pressure or less pain and discomfort than a regular tattoo due to the use of numbing cream. Of course, this will depend on your own personal tolerance to pain. Some level of pain or discomfort should be expected.


Are there risks of Microblading?

Yes, if you go to a certified technician who prioritizes your safety by keeping their workplace sanitary and using the best quality microblading products. Before getting the procedure, take the time to consult with your technician.


How long is the Procedure?

The procedure takes about two hours. Allow one hour for follow up appointments.


You’re considering coming to our studio and you already have Microblading from another Studio?

Our Microblading Artist only treats your existing Microblading after a consultation or after receipt of pictures.

You can send us pictures via WA 079 939 94 94 (Cover up, Correction etc.)


Do I need a follow-up treatment – Touch up?

The skin takes some time to heal after a microblading treatment.

During that period, your eyebrows will go through several phases. First, they will be too dark, then they will start scabbing, and finally, they will lose some of the color and you might think your microblading was unsuccessful.

The color comes back at the end of the healing period, but sometimes it can be uneven and patchy, as some of the pigment could come off with the scabs. Everybody’s skin heals differently and some clients might notice gaps and irregularities after the brows are healed.

The first microblading touch up includes adding additional strokes where the pigment didn’t settle properly. Sometimes, if the artist assesses pigment strokes won’t retain even after the second implementation, they will suggest adding microshading.

The touchup is there to correct all the possible imperfections. Its purpose is to fix what got messed up during the healing period. It’s also an opportunity to make some modifications, in case you feel the color or shape of the arches isn’t quite right yet.

Most people will benefit from microblading touch-ups every 12-24 months to maintain their desired look.



How do I look immediately after the treatment?

After the procedure, it is natural for some swelling and discomfort to occur. Apply an ice pack for about 10 minutes to bring some relief.

The eyebrows will appear bolder and darker in color with a more defined shape a few hours after the procedure. These results are attributed to the healing process and can last between 3-5 days.

Possible emotions during the healing period:



During healing period (10 days) you should avoid contact with:

  • water
  • sun exposure and solarium
  • sauna
  • swimming pool
  • strong sweating (extreme sport)



After care Treatment:

After the procedure you will get a AfterCareKit from your Microblading artist including Aftercare Wipes, a cream and cotton swabs. You will get precise instructions directly after the treatment because every skin type needs a special aftercare. As a general rule you should clean your brows periodically during the first 24-48 hours to avoid excessive scabbing. Then you can apply a very thin layer of the cream. You should repeat this 3 to 5 times a day.


What to keep into consideration during the acute healing process?( seven days after the treatment) 

During the first seven days after the treatment it is important that you avoid make-up, powder or any cream on your eyebrows. In addition to that it is extremely important that you prevent to make contact with dust and maintaining constant contact with water. Do not touch your eyebrows with dirty fingers, don’t go for a swim or sunbathing and avoid extreme sports. It should be noted that it is worse for your eyebrows to do abrasive treatments around the eyes and eyebrows.


Long-term After care:

Even after the end of the healing process you should protect your eyebrows with sun cream and avoid solarium. It is not allowed to do Laser or IPL treatments in the eye area because this could result in burns and loosening of the pigmentation. The intake of antibiotics could cause a rapid loss or colour change of the pigmentation.


What must be noted before the treatment?

  • You should certainly be in good health
  • your period should be over because menstruation causes hypersensitivity
  • you should avoid blood-thinning medications e. g. Aspirin
  • you should have no fever of feel sick
  • you should have not taken drugs


The evening before the treatment and on the treatment day you should avoid:

  • alcohol
  • nicotine
  • coffeee and drinks caffeine e.g. RedBull
  • blood thinning medication


Be cautious when:

  • easily prone to Herpes
  • birthmarks must be left out with a distance of 1-2 mm
  • after a chemical peel you have to wait 2 weeks before you start the Microblading
  • after a Botox treatment  you have to wait two weeks before you start the Microblading
  • People with diabetes may expect to bleed heavily resulting in a strong crust
  • During pregnancy women are not treated
  • breastfeeding mothers have to take a pause for 2 hours after the Microblading treatment before they go on breastfeeding

Permanent Make Up

What is Permanent Make-up?

Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing, micropigmentation or dermapigmentation is a type of superficial tattooing that involves applying pigment into the skin’s dermal layer to enhance features such as eyebrows, eyes, and lips. A small handheld device equipped with either a single or multiple needles (depending on the technique) deposits specially made pigment into the skin at a shallow depth. These pigments contain a lower concentration of colorants and a higher ratio of liquid than traditional tattoo ink, for a more natural finish on the skin.


Who performs PMU at Miracle Beauty?

Mihaela Rankova is a highly experienced certified PMU Artist and has helped thousands of clients achieve their desired results. She is extremely passionate about providing the absolute best service for her clients. PMU and Microblading is her sole focus, day-in and day-out.


Do I need a personal consultation appointment before the PMU?

The consultation appointment is not absolutely necessary but can help you remove any doubts and clarify questions.


What must be noted before the treatment?

  • You should certainly be in good health
  • your period should be over because menstruation causes hypersensitivity
  • you should avoid blood-thinning medications e. g. Aspirin
  • you should have no fever of feel sick
  • you should have not taken drugs
  • if you wear contact lenses, take them out before the treatment
  • Arnica can also be given internally as pillules to support the healing
  • For the treatment day you should do nothing important because slight redness or swelling can sometimes develop following the treatment


How long does Permanent Makeup last?

Given that fading, permanent makeup is, in actuality, only semi-permanent. Pigment can last for several years before it begins to fade, and touch ups will likely be required over time to maintain the desired effect. And while specific timeframes for refreshers vary from person to person (depending on factors like pigment type, tattoo location, client age, lifestyle choices, and skin type), they’re generally needed every one to three years.


When should I do the follow-up treatment? 

We recommend the follow-up treatment after 4-6 weeks. It is important that the skin can regenerate to prevent the skin from becoming inflamed or irritated after several treatments.


You’re considering coming to our studio and you already have Permanent Make-up from another Studio?

Our PMU Artist only treats your existing Permanent Make-up after a consultation or after receipt of pictures.

You can send us pictures via WA 079 939 94 94 (Cover up, Correction etc.)


Will PMU fade one day completely ?

Permanent makeup lasts about one to five years on the skin. Results vary based on the technique, device used, a pigment used, individual’s body reaction, and degree of skin exfoliation.

Permanent makeup usually fades gradually, but touch-ups may be necessary. It does, however, take a very long time. Black or other dark colors used to pigment the skin deeply will make the color last a very long time. For instance, a black pigment used in permanent eyeliner will be noticeable for many years, and there is no guarantee that it will entirely fade over time.


Permanent Make-up Procedure:

During the consultation, we will look at photos and discuss the desired outcome of the procedure. There will be paperwork to complete including medical history and consent forms. Pre and post care instructions will be discussed. The permanent makeup artist will draw on the outline of the eyeliner, or lip liner to check for symmetry. Numbing creams are applied 20-30 minutes prior to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. During the procedure, the area may be covered up to 4 times to ensure even color coverage. It’s important to remain as motionless as possible throughout the procedure, this means no talking, to ensure safety. Be sure to follow all after care instructions for the best results. Typically 6 weeks after the initial procedure a touch up appointment is scheduled. During the touch up appointment the permanent makeup artist will touch up the design, shape, and color if needed.


What will I look like after the Permanent Make-up Treatment?

Some people may not be very irritated at all and some may be swollen and red. The procedure area may be swollen for 24 hours and it will appear much darker at first because of the blood and lymph that have been brought to the surface during the procedure. The tissue will crust, scab, and then slough off within 7-10 days leaving a softer color. It will be about 20%-30% lighter after the first 10 days. The healing process can depend on aftercare, health, and the condition of the skin.


Aquarell Lips

Who performs Aquarell Lips at Miracle Beauty?

Mihaela Rankova is a highly experienced certified PMU and Microblading Artist and has helped thousands of clients achieve their desired results. She is extremely passionate about providing the absolute best service for her clients. PMU and Microblading is her sole focus, day-in and day-out.


What can I do to prevent Herpes before and after the Aquarell Lips procedure?

People who are prone to herpes labialis should perform a low-dose herpes prophylaxis (Aciclovir) to prevent an acute herpes flare-up. In addition to that you can take L-Lysin( free for sale nutritional supplement) internally for prevention.



Dosis and intake of Aciclovir:

Aciclovir is a prescription-only medicine.Please talk to your doctor about the intake recommendation. Generally take Aciclovir three days before the treatment and two days after the treatment.



Is Lip augmentation also possible with Aquarell Lips?

Permanent make-up is not a method of lip augmentation. If you want bigger lips, make an appointment for safe and professional lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid.

With Aquarelle Lips we can correct and enhance the shape and colour of your lips but augmentation is not possible.


Do Aquarell Lips create a plumping effect on your lips?

Yes, and we absolutely love it! The lips look younger, plumped and firmed after the treatment because the cell division is boosted. Anti-Aging for your lips.


How long will Aquarell Lips last?

The longevity of your semi permanent lip tattoo depends on many factors, like the oiliness of your skin, your lifestyle, and the overall properties of your system. But the average aquarelle lip tattoo longevity is from 2 to 5 years.

Frequent sunlight exposure and activities like swimming in the ocean can accelerate pigment fading. Some skincare ingredients can affect PMU pigments, too.

The color can be refreshed at any moment with a quick color boost touch up.


How long does it take after the treatment until my dream lips look permanently perfect?

Immediately after the treatment, the lips are already close to the final result. The next day, scab develops, which is part of the normal healing process. After 2-4 days, the colour becomes too dark. After 5-7 days, the crust/scab slowly falls off. After 8-10 days the colour seems to disappear. From 14 – 28 days, the colour slowly comes back. From 30 to 54 days after the initial treatment, the follow-up treatment takes place. After the follow-up treatment, the process of scab formation and colour change is repeated. The final result is visible after about eight weeks.



Will Aquarell Lips fade one day completely?

Results vary based on the technique, device used, a pigment used, individual’s body reaction, and degree of skin exfoliation.

Aquarell Lips usually fades gradually, but touch-ups may be necessary.


What must be noted before the treatment?

  • You should certainly be in good health
  • your period should be over because menstruation causes hypersensitivity
  • you should avoid blood-thinning medications e. g. Aspirin
  • you should have no fever of feel sick
  • you should have not taken drugs
  • Arnica can also be given internally as pillules to support the healing
  • For the treatment day you should do nothing important because slight redness or swelling can sometimes develop following the treatment


We recommend: exfoliate and apply a nourishing cream on your lips 1-2 days before the procedure

Make Up & Styling

Which Make-up products are used?

With BABOR’s new makeup line, the pioneer of professional skincare offers perfect products that combine years of expertise and the benefits of professional skincare with makeup.

The unique BABOR foundations contain powerful active ingredients from the BABOR SkinCare Ampoules that mattify, moisturize, or reduce wrinkles, depending on the skin’s needs.

The new BABOR Makeup range also includes state-of-the-art formulas and plenty of new, trendy colors in our popular eye, complexion, and lip products which contain highly nourishing ingredients from vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and rich oils.

More firms we trust in: Nars, Armani, Make up Forever


Useful information for the trial styling session:

At the trial styling session we get to know each other and discuss your ideas and expectations. The professional bridal stylist Mihaela Rankova is only applying high quality cosmetic and is able to see immediately which selection of colors and what style will perfectly suite his/her client and which should be avoided.In general, during the make-up trial, 2 types of make-up will be performed: one on the right eye and one on the left eye, characterized by different colors and shapes of the eye. A gorgeous look of the bride is the key to the success of this important day.


To prepare for the trial styling we need further details:


  • a picture of you
  • a picture from the dress
  • wedding theme and colours
  • a picture of the hair accessories/ wedding jewelry
  • a rough idea of the bridal bouquet/wedding flowers
  • a rough idea of  your desired bridal hair style/make-up
  • do I need to take account of specific easily characteristics?
  • of course you can bring your wedding veil and bridal jewelry to your trial styling
  • of course its ok if your sister, mother or bridesmaid accompanys you
  • you can pay easily a few days before the wedding via bank wire (unfortunately it already happend that I had to wait months for the payment)


It's a Men's world

Malebrows – Microblading for Men


Who performs Malebrows at Miracle Beauty?

Mihaela Rankova is a highly experienced certified PMU and Microblading Artist and has helped thousands of clients achieve their desired results. She is extremely passionate about providing the absolute best service for her clients. PMU and Microblading is her sole focus, day-in and day-out.


Do I need a personal consultation appointment before the Microblading?

The consultation appointment is not absolutely necessary but can help you remove any doubts and clarify questions.


What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing. But unlike traditional tattoos, which use a tattoo gun, microblading uses a blade-shaped tool with a row of tiny, barely visible needles to create hair-like strokes along your brows while depositing pigment into your skin. The result? Realistic-looking brow hairs that don’t wash off foryears.



What is the difference between Microblading and “classic” Permanent Make up?

The first major difference between microblading and permanent makeup is the method of application. With the permanent method, a series of needles are either stacked or formed in a circle and a tattoo machine is used, vibrating to put the pigment into the skin. With this technique, the eyebrow area is filled in completely, where as with microblading, the manual blade consisting of multiple micro needles creates fine hair-like strokes to create the look of full, more natural brows.

Where microblading is strictly for your eyebrows, permanent makeup can also be used for other areas such as eyeliner or lips.


Do I look unnatural with Microblading?

Microblading does give a natural look. This method is excellent for those looking for a very natural look. Having good eyebrows can really help to boost the self-esteem and body image of people who feel self-conscious about thin or bare eyebrows.


How long does Microblading last?

The average longevity of the results of microblading is 12 to 18 months without additional touch ups.

There are many factors that can make your microblading fade quicker, just like there are cases where microblading can last up to 3 years. The longevity depends on age, skin type and sun exposure.


Is the procedure painful?

Most people report only feeling minimal pressure or less pain and discomfort than a regular tattoo due to the use of numbing cream. Of course, this will depend on your own personal tolerance to pain. Some level of pain or discomfort should be expected.


Are their risks of Microblading?

Yes, if you go to a certified technician who prioritizes your safety by keeping their workplace sanitary and using the best quality microblading products. Before getting the procedure, take the time to consult with your technician.


How long is the Procedure?

The procedure takes about two hours. Allow one hour for follow up appointments.


You’re considering coming to our studio and you already have Microblading from another Studio?

Our Microblading Artist only treats your existing Microblading after a consultation or after receipt of pictures.

You can send us pictures via WA 079 939 94 94 (Cover up, Correction etc.)


Do I need a follow-up treatment – Touch up?

The skin takes some time to heal after a microblading treatment.

During that period, your eyebrows will go through several phases. First, they will be too dark, then they will start scabbing, and finally, they will lose some of the color and you might think your microblading was unsuccessful.

The color comes back at the end of the healing period, but sometimes it can be uneven and patchy, as some of the pigment could come off with the scabs. Everybody’s skin heals differently and some clients might notice gaps and irregularities after the brows are healed.

The first microblading touch up includes adding additional strokes where the pigment didn’t settle properly. Sometimes, if the artist assesses pigment strokes won’t retain even after the second implementation, they will suggest adding microshading.

The touchup is there to correct all the possible imperfections. Its purpose is to fix what got messed up during the healing period. It’s also an opportunity to make some modifications, in case you feel the color or shape of the arches isn’t quite right yet.

Most people will benefit from microblading touch-ups every 12-24 months to maintain their desired look.



How do I look immediately after the treatment?

After the procedure, it is natural for some swelling and discomfort to occur. Apply an ice pack for about 10 minutes to bring some relief.

The eyebrows will appear bolder and darker in color with a more defined shape a few hours after the procedure. These results are attributed to the healing process and can last between 3-5 days.

Possible emotions during the healing period:


During healing period (10 days) you should avoid contact with:

  • water
  • sun exposure and solarium
  • sauna
  • swimming pool
  • strong sweating (extreme sport)



After care Treatment:

After the procedure you will get a AfterCareKit from your Microblading artist including Aftercare Wipes, a cream and cotton swabs. You will get precise instructions directly after the treatment because every skin type needs a special aftercare. As a general rule you should clean your brows periodically during the first 24-48 hours to avoid excessive scabbing. Then you can apply a very thin layer of the cream. You should repeat this 3 to 5 times a day.



What to keep into consideration during the acute healing process?( seven days after the treatment) 

During the first seven days after the treatment it is important that you avoid make-up, powder or any cream on your eyebrows. In addition to that it is extremely important that you prevent to make contact with dust and maintaining constant contact with water. Do not touch your eyebrows with dirty fingers, don’t go for a swim or sunbathing and avoid extreme sports. It should be noted that it is worse for your eyebrows to do abrasive treatments around the eyes and eyebrows.


Long-term After care:

Even after the end of the healing process you should protect your eyebrows with sun cream and avoid solarium. It is not allowed to do Laser or IPL treatments in the eye area because this could result in burns and loosening of the pigmentation. The intake of antibiotics could cause a rapid loss or colour change of the pigmentation.


What must be noted before the treatment?

  • You should certainly be in good health
  • your period should be over because menstruation causes hypersensitivity
  • you should avoid blood-thinning medications e. g. Aspirin
  • you should have no fever of feel sick
  • you should have not taken drugs


The evening before the treatment and on the treatment day you should avoid:

  • alcohol
  • nicotine
  • coffeee and drinks caffeine e.g. RedBull
  • blood thinning medication


Be cautious when:

  • easily prone to Herpes
  • birthmarks must be left out with a distance of 1-2 mm
  • after a chemical peel you have to wait 2 weeks before you start the Microblading
  • after a Botox treatment  you have to wait two weeks before you start the Microblading
  • People with diabetes may expect to bleed heavily resulting in a strong crust


Permanent Laser Hairremoval

How Laser Hair Removal works:

During a treatment session, bright flashes of light are emitted onto the unwanted hair. The light penetrates through the skin and selectively targets the melanin in the hair follicles. The pigment absorbs the light energy, effectively destroying the hair.


Is Laser Hair Removal painful?

Not really. Most of our clients say that it doen’t hurt at all. The pain level depends on the area of your body ( intimate zone is very sensitive so it can cause little discomfort).But it typically causes much less discomfort than other forms of hair removal, especially waxing. Some individuals describe laser hair removal as akin to the feeling of a rubber band snapping against your skin.

Not all people experience pain the same way. A few factors that can influence your personal pain tolerance include:

  • If you’ve had a sufficient amount of sleep
  • If you’re hydrated
  • The current phase of your menstrual cycle


How many treatments are necessary & why is the Sapphire 3Max fast than many other Laser devices?

Everyone’s body is different, and different biological factors can impact how many sessions you need in order to fully remove your unwanted hair. Generally, clients need about two to six to ten laser treatments in order to completely get rid of hair.

You can expect to see about a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after your first treatment. As you continue your treatments, more and more hair will fall out, and you’ll notice that it continues to grow back more slowly.


How long should I wait in-between laser hair removal sessions?

The interval between each laser session depends on the area of the body being treated. You should do a session every 4-6 weeks.


Which areas can be treated?

With our powerful SHR Laser it is possible to remove hair anywhere on your body ( Face, neck, chest, arms, armpits, legs, intimate zone, back,…)


How long is the laser session?

This depends on the size of the area. For smaller areas we need 15-30 minutes and for big zones like legs we need one hour or more.


What must be considered before the treatment? 

  • Before a laser session: in the month prior to the session you must avoid any kind of tanning. This includes the application of self-tanning products, oil-based solutions and especially sunbeds
  • You have to shave your the area one day before the laser session
  •  Do not wax or pluck the hair using tweezers for at least four weeks before the laser session
  • please clean the treated area before the session and don’t use Make-up or Deodorant before the laser session
  • In the case of herpes the outbreak should be treated at least 2 weeks before the laser session. Otherwise, treatment on the affected area should be postponed.


What must be considered after the treatment?

If the treated areas are exposed to bright sunlight, we recommend wearing sunscreen with an SPF 50 or higher in the days after the session.

Do not wax or pluck the hair using tweezers for the duration of all your laser sessions.


Do I have to stop the laser sessions during summer?

Not really. In practice, laser treatment can be carried out at any time of the year. The important point is to ensure the skin is not tanned before treatment and to stay out of the sun as much as possible in the weeks following treatment.


Tattoo & PMU Removal

Before the treatment:

A full Consultation is completed prior to starting your removal journey where you will receive all the information and all your questions will be answered.

All homecare advise will be explained  and written homecare advise given to each client.

Upon request, a trial shot at the skin can be given during the consultation so that you can gain an impression of the treatment and see the skin reaction.


About Phi Laser:

Philaser is a versatile and revolutionary laser for removing old eyebrows and pmu, tattoos and treating pigmented lesions that provide energy pulses in seconds.
This mode of action is superior to other tattoo removal systems, based largely on Q-switch technology (which delivers laser pulses exclusively in nanoseconds).
The delivery of laser pulses in picoseconds ensures a low number of sessions of eyebrows and tattoo removal treatment, rapid recovery and minimised risk of post-treatment scars and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.


When will my PMU/Tattoo fade?

The tattoo will fade /lighten over a series of treatments usually anywhere between 1-10 sessions will be necessary to remove a tattoo. The number of sessions is due to the differences in Tattoo applications and pigments used, each clients journey will vary and your Therapist will work with you to get the best possible results.

Also, newer tattoos are removed much harder, as well as tattoos on darker skin. Namely, lighter people are the best candidates for a laser tattoo removal. It is easiest to remove black, dark and red tattoos while orange, yellow, pink, brown, purple and other lighter shades are removed much harder. Among the most difficult to remove are turquoise, lighter shades of blue, as well as lighter shades of green. Today, laser is something that is most commonly used for the removal of tattoos.


How long should I wait in-between PMU removal sessions?

The break between sessions has to be 4-8 weeks.
Removing Ideally, the four to eight weeks waiting time between treatments will allow for complete healing. If the eyebrows tattooed area is still scabbed or visibly healig from the last laser treatment, it is beneficial to wait even longer. With proper tattoo removal aftercare and a non-sensitive skin type, waiting time between treatments could be minized. If scabs, scars, infection, sunburn, or pigmentation issues exist, the laser treatment should be postponed until the issue is resolved. 

Is the laser session painful?

Topical anaesthetic can be applied prior to the treatment and cold packs used during to ensure the procedure is as comfortable as possible. Most clients say is is like a rubber band flicking the skin.


When can I get a new pigmentation?  

We recommend to wait 8-16 weeks after the laser session. It is important that the skin regenerates, builds up and that the redness disappeared.


What kind of pigmentations can be treated with the Phi Laser?

Dark Eyebrows and black, dark tattoos have the best results. Old permanent make-up around the eyes ( eyeliner) or around the lips can’t be removed by Laser. For these areas we recommend our non-Laser technique: PHI Removal


What must be considered before the treatment?

2 weeks before treatment sun exposure is forbidden. A laser treatment to a body with a tan or sunburn could cause a serious burn or discolour the skin. After having laser treatment, skin has to be protected from the sun until it heals. If the sun`s rays hit treated skin, it can develop another scar. 
To heal well and get the best results from laser treatment, dermatologists recommend that patients:

  •  Stop taking vitamin E, aspirin, and other medications and supplements that can delay healing.
  • Stop using skin care products that contain a retinoid or glycolic acid for 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Take medication to prevent getting cold sores if you`re prone to developing cold sores.
  •  Avoid the sun, tanning bed, or sunlamp.
  • Do not use fake tans, because some fake tans contain activators that can react with laser treatment and lead to skin pigmentations. 


What must be considered after the treatment?

After the tattoo removal treatment, the treated area may become reddish with the feeling of heat and fewer crests can be produced. These side effects completely disappear within a few days.


What to avoid after the Phi Laser treatment?

  • Swimming, Sauna and Steam bath
  • Sun exposure
  • Scratch the treated area or remove crust
  • chemical exfoliation
  • extreme sports


Be cautious:

  • easily prone to Herpes
  • birthmarks must be left out with a distance of 1-2 mm
  • after a chemical peel you have to wait 2 weeks before you start the Laser session
  • People with diabetes may expect to bleed heavily resulting in a strong crust
  • During pregnancy women are not treated
  • taking blood-thinning medications


  • Pregnancy
  • cancerous diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • heart diseases
  • vascular diseases
  • birthmarks in the treated area
  • Psoriasis or Eczema